Title: Before It Gets Better Fandom: Torchwood Pairing: Owen/Ianto (with hints at canon!Jack/Ianto) Rating: PG Genre: Slash Summary: "But when it burned, two members of your team excavated into the ruins" Author’s Notes: I just had to write this story because I had the idea in my mind. Beta: wordartist14
Title: One Step Closer Fandom: Torchwood Pairing: Owen/Ianto (with hints at canon!Jack/Ianto) Rating: PG Genre: Slash Summary: Owen and Ianto on their way home. Author’s Notes: Ok so this is the sequel to the wonderful paperclipbitch's Hamartia. So you need to read that before this or you won't get what's happening. Beta: albalonga99
Title: Not Enough Warnings: spoilers for season two finale Characters: Ianto Jones, Gray Summary: "What do you want?" "I want you to suffer. I want your life." Beta: wordartist14 Previous Chapters: 1 | 2
Title: Not Enough Warnings: spoilers for season two finale Characters: Ianto Jones, Gray Summary: "What do you want?" "I want you to suffer. I want your life." Beta: wordartist14 Previous Chapters: 1
Title: Not Enough Warnings: spoilers for season two finale Characters: Ianto Jones, Gray Summary: "What do you want?" "I want you to suffer. I want your life."